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Now More Than Ever Education is Important

Friday, February 5, 2010 12:14 AM Posted by Education

By Carli Alexander

In our great grandparents' time, a high school education was considered sufficient, but those days are over. These days, a college degree is a goal that an increasing number of people are pursuing and it makes sense. The job market is more advanced and competitive than ever. An individual with a broad scope of job skills has the best chance of landing the most coveted positions.

Naturally, an education brings far more rewards than only financial success. A well-rounded education promotes thinking skills that improve our lives. Education makes us more aware so that we can better comprehend our world and value other cultures. It escalates our confidence to manage life's challenges. Also, it can be entertaining; learning more about what interests you can add joy to your life despite your age. Besides, education promotes healthy brain function.

The Key to Financial Success

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an individual with a bachelor's degree can expect to earn an average of $2.1 million throughout their working life, while people with only a high school diploma can anticipate earning $1.2 million throughout their working life. This important difference in earning potential is predicted to widen even more in coming years, as more jobs necessitate some college education, if not a degree. People with a master's degree can predict to earn $2.5 million throughout their lifetime, while those with a doctorate can foresee earning $3.4 million and those with a professional degree can anticipate earning $4.4 million.

College graduates are also less likely to be unemployed than those with less education. The need for college-educated employees is also anticipated to remain high. In 2006, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted that between the years 2004 and 2014, 55 million jobs will be filled by entry-level workers. An estimated 13.9 million of these jobs will be filled by college-educated workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also predicts that positions for college-educated workers will increase at a faster pace than positions for non-college grads.

Preparation for Life

Extra earning potential is not the only aspect drawing both traditional and non-traditional (adult) students to college in large numbers. College degrees in any major progress to better discipline and increased goal setting skills, and college degrees that focus on a number of liberal arts courses enhance a student's personal development.

College-educated people are more likely to attain the dialectic level of reasoning. For example, they can evaluate two or more sides of an argument and devise a logical blend of these ideas. College grads have a more reasonable view of life and of social relationships than people who are unable to evaluate such scenarios. This can progress to a better ability to get along with peers.

Keep the Brain in Shape

There is also evidence that proves that education benefits the brain's physical health. Studies have revealed that highly educated people are less likely to develop various forms of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's disease. The foundation behind these claims is still unverified, but scientists do recognize that engaging frequently in mental activity, such as learning new tasks, can vastly improve aging adults' memories. For several older adults, returning to college for fun has brought joy to their golden years.

Despite your age, higher education is a great way to improve your quality of life. It is proven to increase your earning power, and it can also provide personal satisfaction and other healthy benefits.

2 Response to "Now More Than Ever Education is Important"

  1. Unknown Says:

    There is always a great value of higher education. A higher educational degree not only provides a better opportunities for getting high paying job but also provides self satisfaction. Nice article.... thanks. Masters Degree Criminal Justice Programs

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